Monday, October 5, 2015

Capilla Abierta, Transfers, and... Feliz Cumple Little Brother!!!!!!! (August 24, 2015)

Guten Tag America! 

First off, time to embarrass my bro Brendan on his 16th Birthday!!!! Happy Birthday dude!!! I hope you have a WONDERFUL week of school and that you celebrate AFUL (um, a lot) your birthday week!!!! I can´t believe you´re 16. DUDE. how the crap are you so big?! and taller than me now.... dangggg. In my mind you were just a chubby baby like 3 weeks ago! And now youre huge (no, that´s not a fat joke. You’re actually quite buff. haha) Love you duder! Happy Sweeet Sixteen! Dulce Diesiseis! 

This week, yes, was Transfers, and so that my parents don´t have to wait too long for the news- I´m staying here in Pueyrredón! I´m super stoked about that! I love it here with all my heart, and there is so much work to do!!!! My dear companion, Hermana Saunders, is going to Pigüe, a little town just outside of Bahía. Every other week she comes here for the reuinions, asi que, luckily she´s not going too far! It´s her last transfer... What a shame, I had hoped to ´kill` her myself. But instead, and to my utmost joy, I get to be companions with Hermana Taborda! We started our missions together! She´s amazing- currently she´s the sister training leader, so maybe I´ll get to travel a little with her on her assignments (haha we´ll see). She´s from Colombia, I´m really looking forward to serving with her! And I´m so grateful to be staying here in the lovely Pueyrredón- Im one of the only missionaries to stay in their area... our pres is changing the mission around A LOT!

We had a grand week, let me tell ya.  All of our work, all the focus was on the end of the week- A CHAPEL OPEN HOUSE! The members, together with us, invited every neighbor on their blocks, all their friends, and people in the streets. We cooked, cleaned and decorate the capilla for the grand day. It´s amazing how much excitement and joy that it brought to us! Working together and seeing the efforts of one another- it brought a level of friendship and brotherhood to the ward that we haven’t felt in a good while. What a blessing! Although no, the whole world didn´t show up to see inside, a few great neighbors and friends made it and had the grand tour! They enjoyed the opportunity to get to know us all better. People tend to think that we´re secretive and weird and scary... the church is always welcoming people to come in and get to know us, but it´s rare that they do. I absolutely LOVED watching the members introduce and invite and teach and share! Almost brought me to tears :) We really didn´t have to do anything! the members did it all :) Two young men got there with the help of the member in charge of Futból. They then went to the young men-young women baile (dance) with all the jovenes!!! YAY!!! And guess what?!?! With the help of the young men they went to church on Sunday! You should of seen them, all sitting together on the same bench- a row of awesome young men :) one of the boys (the non-members) is deaf, but reads lips. The other boys were patient and SO helpful, always helping and explaining and being super aware of him. One of the members is going to invite them to hear the missionary lessons and to investigate, then is going to call us- THIS IS A DREAM COME TRUE!!!!!!!!!! And another woman made it and is already great friends with most of the members! And another went with her little daughter and is going to start to go to the ward of Villa Cerrito! And a young man is going to assist the ward Hospital! So, not only did we get to help out our area with getting to know our neighbors, serving one another, enjoying the baking of one another... but we also got to help out other wards with their missionary work too! It was just a WONDERFUL week. 

Everyone is sad that Hna Saunders is leaving. She helped this ward SO much. Our Bishop cried! And his wife made us homemade spaghetti noodles with rich mushroom-tomato-pork and beef sauce. The relief society wrote cards. The young men made her a cake.  I just want you all to know that I´m in one the best wards on earth. 

I stand all amazed at the love that He gives to me! His power and glory and understanding are beyond my own (multiply that by infinity). :) I´M SO GRATEFUL and SO happy to be here in the mission, and invite you all to serve and love and smile- they’re the keys to happiness! 

Have a wonderful wonderful week!!!

Hermana Hill

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