We´ve been able to teach our dear investigator Luisa various
times- SHES AMAZING! And hopefully continues to progress and get feeling
better. She was able to go to church this week- what joy!
That brings me to think of the great joy and focus of this week:
establishing of Zion in all places. Appropriately, church was completely
focused on that this week, and it all tied together nicely in that we were able
to fast and share our testimonies. There was not ONE moment of silence between
the people popping up to share their testimonies (experiences and witnesses of
the hand of the lord in our lives). It was beautiful. Although I spent most of
Sacrament Meeting playing with Jeremias (he was very entertained with my paper
airplanes and "hijo de Dios" stickers), I could feel the spirit
strongly. A baby was blessed and so there were tons of people to witness the
happy event. 77 PEOPLE IN OUR SACRAMENT MEETING! It was beautiful to feel the
spirit of a room filled up with people worshiping and giving thanks to God.
It is SO important to support and help one another in this life!
Zion = a people united in heart and mind. United by service and love for God
and one another. It´s so important to attend and support the activities that we
have! God commands us to meet frequently- cause, well, duh- how can you know if
someone needs help or not if you never get to know them or if you don´t make an
effort to see them once in a while. Sometimes we think that we need reasons to
reach out and say hi to or help someone.
Wrong. Just send a stinkin’ text message! You don’t have to
be assigned to do it- we should do things of our own free will! So do it! Just
make your friend a dang quesadilla, Napoleon! Be nice. Smile at people. It´s as
simple as: "hey, I was thinking about you today- how´s it goin?". YOU
CAN DO IT!!! Zion begins with one´s own self, and each of us must put in the
effort. You have no idea how much joy it brings me to see people visiting and
helping one another!
Last night we passed by the house of a few members who are planning to go to the temple to be sealed this month (WOO!). There visiting was another young couple from the ward, chatting and sharing their testimonies and experiences and visiting. My heart just about exploded with happiness. We need the help of others, and we need the opportunity to help others! To see a bunch of members doing exactly that gave me hope. We´re not alone in the work of salvation! Every member must uplift one another and those around them- it´s part of the covenant that we make upon baptism. Mosiah 18. I invite all of you to review what it is that we promise when we are baptized, and make changes in your life to more fully fulfill what the Lord expects of us- I´m going to do the same :)
I love you all so much! Thanks for you examples and your support
and for all you do :)
Stay tuned, this next week we´re going to have a special reunion with a member of the Seventy. :D ...You could say I’m pretty stoked about it.
Have a wonderful week! Keep the faith and procure to find more :) Become converted.
Stay tuned, this next week we´re going to have a special reunion with a member of the Seventy. :D ...You could say I’m pretty stoked about it.
Have a wonderful week! Keep the faith and procure to find more :) Become converted.
Hill :)
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