Monday, March 23, 2015

Tres Tristes Tigres Traigan Trigo en un Trigal,(February 23, 2015)

...en un trigal tres tristes tigres traigan trigo.

Hola Todos! The lovely tongue twister above is what my dear companion taught me to help me have a better accent... yeah, i´m still working on it. The majority of people guess that I´m a Yankee on the spot ;) Hey, whacha gonna do. True to red white and blue! (now new and improved with a Celeste y Amorillo mark on my heart)

First off, I´ve just got to say, I LOVE TRENQUE LAUQUEN!!! The people, the trees, the city, the neighborhoods, the dog Cáramel that follows us everywhere, the cows and horses in the streets outside of people’s houses... I could go on and on. We had a TON of people in the church this Sunday! And it was a huge joy to see people returning to church after being away for a long time. To see the people that recently have been baptized get there with the help of members. To see those who are firm in the faith keeping it. Our little Brenda was so happy to be in the church! And the power of her joy has helped refuel our energy to keep finding the people who find and need the joy that the Gospel of Jesus Crist brings to us.

I loved the words of one of the members in our gospel principles class this Sunday- "The temple of Buenos Aires is only 600 kilometers away, we have to take advantage of that blessing and go as often as possible!" That was really humbling to me, to think that  at home, I have a temple that is only 5 minutes away from my house- When I return, I HAVE to take advantage of that blessing and go as often as possible. I know that the temple is a holy place and that the promises that we make there last the eternities. 

This week walking the streets of TreLau, we found a man named Roberto- or rather, he found us. He at first was just asking a question, but it turns out that he had gone to the church for almost a year straight and wanted to be baptized, but that he had to move away to a little neighboring town and never could. when he returned to TreLau, he didn´t know if it was too late or not to return, and that he had forgotten so much embarrassed him. (Stinking Satan!). BUT, thanks to his confusion of direction, we were able to find us in the street, and he told us that he wants to hear more. Other crazy thing that happened with that- My dear companion was sick, and whellp, to be continued! Love you all! BYE!!!

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