Wow, this week has been SO CRAZY GOOD!!!! So let´s jump right in...
This week a member called us and told us that she had set up an appointment for us with a neighbor in her home. WHAT?! A missionary dream come true. And the leccion went SO well. I loved it so very much.
We crossed a woman on the train tracks one day and began to talk to her. She was quick to tell us that she doesnt share our beliefs and doesnt have interess in talking more with us. To at least get to know her, we asked her name. "Graciela Hilson Jones" what??? Her ancesters are welch and english. Of course this imediately caught my attention. especially because our names are so similar! We asked her if she had studdied her family history- she hadnt and wanted to! So we gave her a pamflet "my family, stories that unite us" to help her get started getting to know her family, complete with the church websites that lead her to the family history libraries. I was filled with so much joy in being able to help her with that! Family history means so much to me, and I know that it´s important for everyone!
Our whole district of missionaries came to Pueyrredón this week to help us find more people to teach- it was wonderful! We got to find so many people and it helped us to update all the old records that we have.
I don´t know if you all can believe it, but I sure cant- I complete one year in the mission this week! I´m so grateful for the time that I have had and will have here! I love it SO SO much! Share your testimony, it´s SO worth it.
Speaking of which, here's my little letter from this week because I don´t have more time:
Apreciado Presidente Parreño,
Ni puedo expresar cuan grande y maravilloso ha sido este semana! Es un cambio gigante por el barrio de Pueyrredón!!! Los miembros nos estan ayudando muchisimo! y wow, hasta recibir llamadas diciendo "hermanitas, he invitado mi vecina para escucharles en mi casa a las 3 mañana. ella nececita escuchar del plan de salvacion porque estos son sus nececidades..." Y SU VECINA VINO! La hermana le invito a la iglesia y hizo todo. Sí presidente, cuando nosotros nos consagramos los miembros tienen mas confianza en nosotras y ven la importancia de esta obra Y PARTICIPEN en ella. Ofrecimos a las hermanas de SS.SS que ellas nos pueden llamar cuando sus compañeras no pueden salir con ellas para hacer las visitas. Resuelta que salimos con una hermana y visitamos muchisimos menos activos, y encontramos muchos familias incompletas que ya tienen extra hermanamiento ahora y fa hay demaciados milagros para contarle.
I can not express how great and wonderful it was this week! It is a huge change for the neighborhood Pueyrredón !!! Members are helping us a lot ! And wow, to receive calls saying " Sisters, I invited my neighbor to listen to you in my house at 3:00. They need to hear the plan of salvation ... " and neighboring Vino! The sister invited him to church and did everything. Yes President , when we consecrate ourselves members have more confidence in us and see the importance of this work and participate in it. We offered the Relief Society sisters that they can call us when their partners can not go with them to do the visits. Resolved we left with a sister and visited very many less active, and found many incomplete families and have extra sisterhood now there are way too many miracles to tell.
Love you! Hope you all have a wonderful week and HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!!! We Yankees will be celebrating down here on the bottom of the earth! Go to church, read the scriptures!
Hermana Hill
Hermana Hill
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