Monday, August 3, 2015

What Month Is It?!?

Buenos Días mis Queridos Locos!
Weekly weather update: The trees are in bloom... um, what?! Yes. Yes they really are! We´ve had a few days of uncanny heat, and it´s been WONDERFUL! we left the house without tights!! A miracle. But today, it´s back to winter :) Argentina doesn’t know what it wants. 
HAPPPPPYYYY BIRTTTHHDDAAAYYY JOEY BROTHER!!!!!! Que los cumplas muy feliz!!! I saw some pics of you at your scout camp and died laughing and crying because I miss you and love you. Keep eating blue things- it complements your face ;) Love you dweebster! But really- can I say again that i love you?
And now... for the moment you´ve all been waiting for... how are the people of Pueyrredón? Well, after a week of playing Hide and Seek with our investigators (they´re master hiders. like seriously. They’re winning. and we don’t really want to play anymore...), we FINALLY found Jenifer!!!! She had a horrible week. Her phone broke, her baby got sick, her uncle died out of the blue. We found her miraculously on Friday, when 2 women were outside the apartment building and we could sneak in to knock her door (there are no doorbells in her apartment). (She told us that next time we can throw pebbles at her window btw haha). She invited us in and we talked. We taught her lots about the plan of salvation, and with her questions she found out what she needed to know and was able to find peace. She then told us- "I finished the questions the other day! But I couldn´t do one of them because i dint have a bible" SHE DIDNT JUST READ THE PAMFLET, SHE DID THE ADDTIONAL STUDY IN THE BACK. And her answers were beautiful. We explained baptism, she asked "What do I have to do to be baptized?" and she came to the church on Sunday with her baby boy all bundled up. (Seriously he´s so fat I love it!!!). She loved the church! And today she´s going to go to institute with a friend she found at church!! I´m so happy for her and I pray with all my heart that she can continue in her path to find God´s will for her. She really wants to know, and i know that God will bless her for that. She faced so much recently, but she´s conquering satin in every step she takes. She related to us that she´s grateful that she met us, so that she could have the comfort of knowing God is with her in these hard times. So many people see these problems that they get after talking to us as a sign that they shouldn’t talk to us, but she chose to see it the other way. She said she felt something strong and bad when she first started looking at the questions, and that her mind felt fuzzy and unable to think, but she used all her strength to pray, and a peace came to her mind and heart. She is such an example to me!!!! 
(There´s a political march outside right now... rights for women I think. Don’t worry, they’re peaceful, there’s just a lot of drums and soccer-fan trumpet things.) 
Speaking of what month it is, I LOVE THE MISSION!!!! ...and I´m going to enjoy it with all my heart! The time really does fly.

This week, my dear companion shared with me a talk by Elder Holland and her thoughts about it. In the talk, Elder Holland describes the moment of the Atoning sacrifice of our Savior in Gethsemane. Christ only asked of his apostles: "tarry ye here, and watch with me" (Matt 26: 36-46)- to abide with him in this moment most difficult. They slept through it, 3 times. The sacrament is our chance to abide with the savior in special reverence of his sacrifice. The savior often made reference to his sacrifice, but it was done in only one instance, not every day. We too must often remember his sacrifice, but there is only one special opportunity that we are given to abide with him- i hope we make the most of the time we are given to go to church! to take of the sacrament. It´s SO SO SO important- and so often it is forgotten and underestimated. It kills me when people forget the importance of working in the church, and I’m destroyed when people forget or don’t recognize their need of the sacrament- remember 2 Nephi 31:19-21. We ALL have an important work to do in this life! YOUR INFLUENCE MATTERS.  And Service matters, for your salvation and that of others. Examine your lives for more ways to abide with the Savior. Do service, read the scriptures, pray! Moroni 7:48
I love you all so so much!!! Have a wonderful week!!!!!! Abrazos!!!

Hermana Hill

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