Monday, August 10, 2015

Ponder The Path of Thy Feet

Buen día de la bonita Ciudad Bahía Blanca! Where we recently have been washed and frozen- SO MUCH RAIN!!! I´m so grateful for my rain boots and coat and umbrella- they’ve held up even though I use them almost every day. 

This week has been SO great! On P-day last week we played Volleyball with the zone! With the help of a series of new rules, we can play sports now! Yay! AND we have the entire day of Thursday to do community service! We can also drink Coca-Cola- the elders are stoked. I´m super excited about the opportunity to do planned service projects! This week we cleaned the house of a little lady named Mercedes :) She never had children, and her husband died. Her brother lives with her, but never is home. We visit her a lot, and although we have done little jobs for her before, like ironing and the dishes, we had half a day to talk and run errands and deep clean. It was lots of fun!

This week it was a little hard to get investigators to church. Argentina is electing a new president, and voting is mandatory. The only day to vote- SUNDAY! Boo. But even with all that, our great friend Andrea and her son Jeremias made it to church! They haven’t been able to go to church and haven’t wanted to go to church for quite a while now, especially with the health and behavior of little Jere. Andrea sometimes is a little embarrassed with him in church, but she doesn’t need to be!!! He brings so much joy to all of us. Especially because we played toss the balloon together in Relief Society ;) For those of you that don’t remember, Jere has Down syndrome, and is a little light to the universe! I´m so grateful that the members of the ward could come together to help them get there without problem!

I just want to say, PLEASE invite and help others to church. There are people that want to go and are just too embarrassed to ask for help! I learned this week how important it is to know everyone in the ward, and to greet them all. And it´s even MORE important to greet the people that are visiting. Not just because saying hello and getting to know someone is a great thing to do, but because usually, we have NO IDEA how hard it really is for them to get there. And when nobody even says hi... dang. It doesn’t matter how you look, how they look, how they smell, whatever. Be sure to say hello to the missionaries and let them introduce you to the investigators. Just get to know them! They´re terrified and know that the missionaries aren’t going to be there forever, just the people of the church. They go with big expectations, and with lots of questions. "If this is the true church, it better feel like the true church. Where nobody judges you and you have friends" That’s what an investigator told us this week- haha yep so there you have it! You have no idea how hard it is to get people to go to church for their first times.... oh my gosh... haha I had no idea before really how difficult it can be. So smile at everyone! In the street, in church, at school! everyone needs friends in this world!! Especially good friends with standards high that will help them choose the right. End rant.

This week my companion shared another great talk with me from President Monson called in Spanish "Examinar la senda de sus pies".

Where do you want to go, and what are you doing to get there? The world is filled with a ton of options, and some are sneaky and aren’t going to help you at all. Thinking about this and where I’m at right now really helped me this week. Acting how I am, will I be able to be the kind of missionary that I want to be tomorrow? At the end of my mission? After my mission what will I say about today? I can´t wait for the mission to change me, I have to change myself for the mission. It all can start TODAY! I love the mission so much- I'm going to make the most of it :)

Love you all tons and tons!!!! Have a wonderful week!!! (...sorry this was so long... more time to write = more rambling... I´ll work on doing a quality check from now on...)

Ciao!!! Besos!

Hermana Hill

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