(that would have
been my subject line if this computer was working)
Bueeen día!
Random- let’s just
take a moment and appreciate that we get called Hermana Chill and Hermana
Chilled. And if they were confused with our last name, forget about it, cause
we have the same first name ;)
If you haven’t chosen
a scripture to ponderize yet for this week, I’ll just give you an option here:
OMNI 1:26
26 And now, my beloved brethren, I would that ye shouldcome unto Christ, who is the Holy One of Israel, andpartake of his salvation, and the power of his redemption.Yea, come unto him, and offer your whole souls as anoffering unto him, and continue in fasting and praying,and endure to the end; and as the Lord liveth ye will besaved.
Another fun fact of
the day: kids and gypsies on the streets here offer little cards in return for
"generous offers" of whatever money one wants to pay. That sure
spoils our efforts of giving out little cards to invite people to church or to
watch Christmas videos on internet.... even desperately shouting "IT´S A
FREE GIFT!!!" doesnt work sometimes... don’t worry, we get creative and
find other ways to start conversations before offering the little cards or pamphlets.
I like it better anyway cause it doesn’t make me feel like such a sales person
This week, we also saw
a motorcycle crash 1 block in front of us- it was so freaky! But luckily, no
one was seriously hurt- a miracle if you ask me.
Sorry that this email
was all over the place! I hope you all have a great week! Remember who you are!
Read the scriptures, pray in your families! And remember, as much as everyone
around here wants to talk about how much time i have left in the mission, I’m
not dead yet! Cherish the moment’s you’re living in, be good. Choose the right.
Hermana Chill.
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